Monday, October 23, 2006

The Cubs Will Curse Your Team

I hate ESPN writers as much as the next underground sports blogist, but they may have stumbled upon something here. Bill Bucker was famous for his groundball blunder, but people forget he was a pretty good Cub. Over these last couple of years as The Red Sox and White Sox have won World Series, I started to believe that maybe this whole curse thing is just a hoax.

Well thanks to one of my White Sox-loving friends, I know now the Cubs are not only doomed, but may trick you into thinking that your team is also condemned to eternal losing. Did the Billy Goat make Bill wear the Cubs batting glove? Well, probably not but he'll fuck your team if you even think about bringing Cubs memorabilia near a World Series.

I don’t want to give ESPN too much credit, after all it was a 12 year old that mad this observation.


Back in '69 I Would have Given a Dog a Bone

I'll leave the world of sports for a while, to dedicate this post to my least favorite politician . Yes, you guessed it, that is Hillary Clinton to my right. Bill had to have inhaled if he was hitting that on a regular basis. The funny thing is that her opponent, John Spencer, might have a point that the only way she could have turned that hideous face into what it is now is through plastic surgery.

Not only a little plastic surgery, "millions of dollars" worth of it. Now this is a guy that should be broadcasting sports. And I quote, "I don't know why Bill married her". He quickly added that he would have no problem doing her now though, "She looks good now".

After Speaking to the reporter, he turned to his TV and exclaimed, "My man Columbo's on!'

No John Spencer, you are the man.



Welcome to my second most-hated columnist of all time (a blind and deaf Down syndrome child has a chance at a Pulitzer than Jay Mariotti). His latest article is a masterpiece of incoherent dribble.

I read this article over and over looking for some hidden point, but it seems it just made me more retarded each time I read it. One might argue that he agrees with my views about the sports world being to political correct or as he puts it people are getting persecuted for being "real as a helmet to the head"(yes he actually said this).

Yet, he writes about how people being fired for speaking out but never himself does. Now I may be wrong, but if you are looking for an example to make an attempt at a point; UM broadcaster Lamar Thomas might not be the best choice. But hey, thats just me. By the way if you haven’t signed up to read this article, save your brain cells. (The pic I found by googling his name is priceless)
